Gadget smuggling: fraudulent scheme worth millions discovered at Lviv customs

NABU and SAPO together with the SSU in Lviv region have reported suspicion to a former employee of Lviv customs and a citizen of Ukraine, whose actions resulted in damage to the state in the amount of more than 15 million UAH.

This was reported by NABU.

According to the investigation, in April 2023, a customs official facilitated the illegal transportation of mobile phones, headphones, tablets, laptops and monoblocks of various brands by a Ukrainian citizen in a truck at the Uhryniv-Dolhobychuv international road checkpoint without paying mandatory customs duties. In particular, he entered false information into the Inspector automated customs clearance system stating that the vehicle transporting the goods was "empty".

As a result, goods worth over UAH 15 million entered the territory of Ukraine without paying customs duties.

However, law enforcement officers uncovered the scheme and seized the goods and handed them over to the ARMA. The Agency subsequently sold the seized goods, which, in particular, allowed to fully cover the unpaid customs duties.

The actions are classified under Part 2 of Art. 364, Part 1 of Art. 366, Part 3 of Art. 212 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The investigation is ongoing, and the NABU and the SAPO are identifying other possible participants in the crimes.

Topics: ContrabandCustomLviv regionSSUNABUSAPO
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