Tymur Turlov - the "pound" of the Freedom Holding pyramid and the Freedom Finance laundry bank

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Tymur Turlov - the "pound" of the Freedom Holding pyramid and the Freedom Finance laundry bank
Tymur Turlov - the "pound" of the Freedom Holding pyramid and the Freedom Finance laundry bank

The discussion that has been going on for quite some time between those who believe that Tymur Turlov is a banal swindler and his Freedom Holding is a pyramid scheme, and those who, on the contrary, are sure that Turlov is a modern investment genius, will soon be resolved by US financial authorities. In the meantime, we will try to understand who Tymur Turlov is.

The proponents of the first opinion provide very reasonable arguments. His bank Freedom Finance is registered as a limited liability company Bank Freedom Finance (OOO FFIN Bank) at the address Moscow, Karetny Ryad Street, Building 5/10, Building 2.

As can be seen from the ownership structure, Turlov controls his bank through a shell company, Freedom Holding Corp., registered in Belize:

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Which in itself is already quite eloquent confirmation of the version about the pyramid. Another argument in its favor is the so-called "lock-up period" (the time when shares cannot be sold) in Freedom Holding it is 93 days. An investor who has invested money in Freedom Finance is deprived of the right to dispose of them for 93 days. Without his knowledge or consent, bank employees can do with them whatever they want, and without any control from the investor, or even informing him of all the operations carried out with his money. As the ancients said - "it is enough for the smart one".

However, everything has been written about many times and in great detail. Tymur Turlov’s activities have been investigated in all the countries where he conducts them - in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, the USA. All the signs of a pyramid scheme are described here in the most concise and accessible way: Turlov Tymur and his grandiose scam Freedom Finance. We recommend.

Opponents of this version interpret all these arguments in a completely different way, claiming that Freedom Finance is a successful project that gives anyone the opportunity to earn money, and Tymur Turlov himself is a financial genius of the 21st century. Turlov himself confirms this in numerous image interviews and commissioned materials:


This makes a strong impression on an uncritical person who has believed in the possibility of getting rich for free since the time of Lyonya Holubkov. However, this has also been written about, we refer the curious here: How will the investigation of the activities of his Freedom Finance pyramid, which began in the USA, end for Tymur Turlov?

But behind all these battles, several significant points are somehow overlooked and leveled out. It is unclear where he even appeared as a "billionaire and investor" - what Turlov tells about himself is, of course, interesting, but it is hard to call this information reliable. Because it is nothing but legends and inconsistencies.

For example, in the press he is often called a billionaire:


Although this is a bit of a misinterpretation, let’s say. In fact, it is not Turlov who is a billionaire, it is Freedom Holding that has a capitalization of three billion dollars:


In theory, it’s the same thing. But in practice, it’s not: if Timur Turlov decides to sell his 72.56% of shares, which are worth more than two billion dollars, he will get pennies for them.

The thing is that such a sale would simply collapse Freedom Holding and its shares, which are currently worth three billion, would turn into dust. This is not only because Freedom Holding is a pyramid. This is how the stock exchange works - a sharp release of such a block of shares of any corporation on the market turns it into a bankrupt.

So the rumors about Tymur Turlov’s billion-dollar fortune are "a little exaggerated." In addition, the opinion that Tymur is not doing so well financially is confirmed by himself, albeit unconsciously. The fact is that, as Turlov himself has repeatedly said in interviews, and as was written in materials about him, the owner of the controlling stake in the investment company Freedom Holding and the bank Freedom Finance works as the CEO of his own investment company. And he receives a salary of 120,000 dollars a year.

Yes, for poor Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and Uzbeks, this is a huge amount of money. But for the US, where Freedom Holding is registered and where its director spends most of his time, this is the level of pay for an average doctor or a junior lawyer. The top management of corporations with billion-dollar stock packages, and Freedom Holding is one, receives compensation starting from a million dollars.

Of course, you can write off this discrepancy to Tymur’s modesty, but it won’t work - this is the USA, where everyone gets what they are worth. So the conclusion is simple - Tymur Turlov is not worth billions.

Finally, Tymur Turlov’s participation in the "millionaire show" and coaching is the bottom for the respected chairman. Nevertheless, this is exactly what is happening. It is not very difficult to watch Turlov dancing. Of course, you will have to listen to nonsense about eternal growth and "attracting wealth", but it is worth it:


But this conclusion leads to others. Why does an investment corporation with billion-dollar turnover spend several times less on its manager than on banal PR?

The answer is simple: Turlov is a simple screen. A signboard. A figurehead chairman of Funt. Whose profession under all regimes is to sit. And he does what he is ordered to do: he needs to participate in a stupid talk show - he participates, he needs to act as a coach - he will perform, he needs to go to the "millionaire show" - he will go. Because that is his job - to pretend to be a billionaire.

Who is the real beneficiary of this "billionaire"?

It is difficult to give a reliable answer. Because it is extremely difficult to get to the roots of the pyramid that Turlov leads. In addition, in each of the countries where Tymur Turlov operates, their own "personnel" emerge, claiming to be the true master of Tymur.

However, to be fair, it must be said that over the years of activity in the difficult field of building pyramids, Turlov has also gained experience and weight, and is definitely no longer a figurehead in the primary sense of the word - Tymur takes an active part in the activities of both "freedoms" - the investment company Freedom Holding and the bank Freedom Finance.

As for the possible true owners of all this stuff, among them is a Russian, the former head of PAO Rossetti, Pavel Livinsky. Now Pavel is the Director of the Energy Department of the Russian Government. Livinsky, being a hereditary corrupt official and a wallet for several oligarchs, managed to earn more than half a billion dollars on black mining. In fact, Pavel Livinsky managed to set up mining at all of PAO Rossetti’s facilities with state-owned electricity. For a country like Russia, this is an incredible capacity. But the money had to be somehow withdrawn and hidden somewhere. And this is where Timur Turlov’s bank Freedom Finance, securely hidden in a Belize offshore, came in handy. How and on what terms Turlov and Livinsky agreed is unknown. And whether Livinsky is really the true owner of Turlov’s enterprises is also unknown.

Also among those who may be involved in the emergence of Freedom Finance, they name the scandalous businessman Vladimir Nefedov, who was the largest shareholder of one of the oldest Russian brokers - "Zurich Capital Management". Freedom Holding bought it in the summer of 2020.

However, they say that Turlov had thrown his tentacles there much earlier, almost immediately after his entry into the Russian market in 2011. In 2012, serious troubles happened with Tserich. Serious searches were conducted there, he was suspected of illegal cashing of funds, in which even high-ranking Russian officials could have been involved. For example, Oleh Khorokhordin, the current head of the Altai Republic, and then an employee of the Presidential Administration. Regarding Nefedov’s participation in the schemes, many claim that he acted in collusion with Turlov.

As for Kazakhstan, among those who use Turlov’s services are Bulat Utemuratov (JSC Bank Kassa Nova) and the fugitive corrupt official Mukhtar Ablyazov. Considering that Utemuratov was suspected of illegal financial transactions together with Ablyazov, it can be assumed that Utemuratov himself found Turlov, seeing in him new opportunities for laundering and concealing funds.

Tymur Turlov’s role in the entire Freedom Finance structure is a cover for the Kazakh "elite" taking money abroad under the exclusively credible guise of investments. This is clearly evident from his appointment as Chairman of the Board of Freedom Holding Corp. (FRHC). Many in Kazakhstan are also convinced that Turlov simply replaced the actual owner of the company.

As for other countries and names, over the past year and a half, Freedom Finance Bank LLC has laundered several hundred million dollars for such notorious individuals as Serhiy Katsuba, Palol Fuks, Margulan Seisembayev, Sauat Mynbayev, Andriy Birzhin, Askar Mamin and a number of others.

And all of them can lay claim to the honorary title of the true beneficiary of Turlov. Sometimes, as in the case of Livinsky, some are called so. However, we will allow ourselves to express doubt - perhaps among these names is the one who gave birth to Freedom Holding and its "owner" Tymur Turlov. But, unfortunately, there is no reliable information yet that would allow us to say with certainty who exactly is the true owner of the "billionaire" Tymur Turlov.

However, clouds have been gathering over Tymur for some time now. And the most unpleasant thing is not in Russia or Kazakhstan, but in the United States of America, where the United States Securities and Exchange Commission has taken him on. So it is quite possible that in exchange for a short term he will have to tell the whole story of his Freedom Holding Corp. pyramid, at the same time revealing details of the “laundromat” for corrupt officials – the Freedom Finance bank.

Article author:
Mykhaylo Sokolov
All the author's articles

Date and time 17 December 2021 ã., 11:00     Views Views: 6348