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Суд заарештував спільника скандального Хейла з Міненерго Сергія Пилипчука

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Суд заарештував спільника скандального Хейла з Міненерго Сергія Пилипчука
Суд заарештував спільника скандального Хейла з Міненерго Сергія Пилипчука

Вищий антикорупційний суд (ВАКС) узяв під варту довірену особу ексзаступника міністра енергетики Олександра Хейла – Сергія Пилипчука. Він був у складі групи з трьох осіб (одна з яких, власне, Хейло), яка планувала отримання хабара на суму $500 тис. За даними слідства, саме через Пилипчука передавали гроші.

This is evidenced by the broadcast of the HACC hearing. Hale himself has not yet been chosen a preventive measure, the court is considering a motion.

At the same time, Pylypchuk was taken into custody in the courtroom. An alternative is UAH 65 million bail. During his speech, Pylypchuk called all the charges a "provocation".

"NABU and SAPO asked for UAH 100 million bail. If he pays the money, Pylypchuk will be subject to a number of obligations, including not leaving Kyiv and Kyiv region, surrendering his passports and wearing an electronic bracelet," journalist Oleh Novikov said.

As a reminder, Deputy Energy Minister Oleksandr Heilo (later dismissed) was detained while receiving a $500,000 bribe. He is suspected of organising a large-scale scheme to illegally export mining equipment from the frontline area. Three other people were detained along with him, including the head of a state-owned mine in the east.

According to the NABU, Heilo offered the head of a coal mining enterprise in the western region $500,000 to ensure the transfer of valuable equipment for storage with the possibility of using it to extract coal from the state-owned mines in the east. In reality, it was actually a matter of rescuing this equipment, as it was located near the war zone.

"The funds were to be transferred in five instalments of $100,000 at each meeting. During the transfer of the third tranche of the bribe to one of the accomplices, he was exposed red-handed," the NABU explained.

The participants of the scheme were served a notice of suspicion under Part 4 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of an undue benefit in a large amount by an official). If found guilty, they face a prison sentence of 8 to 12 years.

On 12 August, Hale was dismissed from his post as Deputy Energy Minister on the initiative of the Ministry. He had been deputy minister for almost a year, since 6 September 2023.

According to the Ministry of Energy’s website, Hale has been closely associated with the coal industry for 33 years. In particular, he has experience in senior management positions at coal mining companies, including in the areas of economics, coal sales, marketing, coal supply to Ukrainian thermal power plants, and strategic development of companies.

In 2013-2022, he held senior positions at Krasnolymanska MC, Energoinvest Holding, and Centrenergo. From December 2022 until his appointment as Deputy Minister, he was the Head of the State Enterprise Ukrvuhillya.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***


Теги: КоррупцияКорупціяСАПВАКСМіненергоМинэнергоПилипчук СергейХейло АлександрарештАрест

Дата і час 12 серпня 2024 г., 19:31     Переглядів Переглядів: 2200
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