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The vile sanitiser Pavlo Bartkovskyi: criminal cases, disappearance of partners and connections with the SBI

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The vile sanitiser Pavlo Bartkovskyi: criminal cases, disappearance of partners and connections with the SBI
The vile sanitiser Pavlo Bartkovskyi: criminal cases, disappearance of partners and connections with the SBI

Pavlo Bartkovskyi is a Ukrainian entrepreneur and owner of 4 companies, which in general have a good income and profit. However, as we managed to find out, not everything is so transparent in the activities of Bartkovskyi and his business.

The entrepreneur’s entire empire is built on bribery, revenge and nepotism, testify people close to the entrepreneur who had the (un)luck to cooperate with him. As it turned out, Bartkovskyi does not disdain any schemes in order to reach Olympus in his business activities. He often violates not only the elementary rules of the market economy, but even reaches the point of "ordering" criminal proceedings against his former employees, although the tax authorities caught him red-handed and, as a result, blocked his ability to create tax invoices .

The journalists of the online media "ANTIKOR" delved into the history of the businessman, whose main activity is manufacturing companies that manufacture sanitizers, antiseptics, and other chemicals.

"Not a very good person"

Recently, we mentioned that the business history of Pavlo Bartkovskyi began with a "throw". In short, the situation is as follows. Until the mid-2000s, he worked at one of the enterprises that was engaged in the production of antiseptics. Things were going well, and Bartkovskyi himself did not catch the stars, being a middle manager. Such circumstances did not suit him, so he decided to go on a commercial crime - to steal the database of the main buyers, drag the main sales managers to his "startup" and do all the same things that he did at his previous place of work, but push it as "rebranding business".

Surprisingly, the scheme worked: Bartkovskyi managed to resign without loss, take away key clients from his previous place of work and promise "golden mountains" to his former colleagues, who eventually became subordinates of the businessman.

So, the entrepreneurial path of Pavlo Bartkovskyi began on July 7, 2006 - it was then that his first legal entity was founded - the limited liability company "Ukrhimtech LTD", which to this day is the most profitable and well-publicized among all the businesses of the "king of antiseptics".

Probably, our readers paid attention to the title of this section of the article. These are not the words of the editorial team of "ANTIKOR", but the opinion of those people who have worked with Bartkovskyi since the creation of his first enterprise. The fact is that, as sources close to the businessman explained to our publication, the "mountains of gold" he promised the managers he lured with him were not seen by anyone except him. And the owner of the enterprise quickly became infected with "star disease" and began to treat people, to put it mildly, not very fairly.

What is the value of one example that was hinted at and confirmed in the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations. So, 3 weeks before the start of the full-scale invasion, Pavlo Bartkovskyi, as the director of Ukrhimtech LTD, turns to the police with a statement that he was allegedly kidnapped by former employees who participated in the technological process of developing substances and their production. technologies and sold them to an unknown company. The police immediately begins a pre-trial investigation, which was entered into the EDPR under No. 12022100040000348 dated February 2, 2022, on the grounds of a criminal offense provided for in Part 2 of Art. 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (fraud committed by an organized group of persons).

Surprisingly, the investigation, despite the lack of any strong evidence that such a fact existed at all, actively began a pre-trial investigation, but combat operations stood in the way. The trial of the case resumed in the fall of 2022 and continued for 2 months with no less active law enforcement officers.

According to one of the court rulings, which was issued at the stage of the pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceedings, the persons involved were even searched, but they did not find anything. The investigators failed to establish the presence of a criminal offense, but the proceedings are still not closed.

Extract from the court decision in criminal proceedings No. 12022100040000348  

Based on the essence of the criminal proceedings, one might think that this is some small domestic conflict that simply has not been confirmed. However, as sources familiar with the situation told us, Bartkowski is putting pressure on his highly qualified employees who no longer want to work with him. They have little choice: either play by his rules or have problems with the law. Apparently, people choose the first option.

We noticed that similar situations in Bartkovskyi’s companies are not isolated. Another enterprise, in which the "king of antiseptics" is a representative and owner - "Khimtime" LLC, went even further. Bartkovskyi wrote a statement to the police against the current director of the company (the statement was written in May 2023, and as of October 2024, Roman Rassokha is still listed as the head of Khimtime). So, according to the data provided by Bartkovskyi to the police, the director of his company stole 8 tons of various chemicals with a total value of 668,000 hryvnias between February 2022 and February 2023. WARNING! No one noticed this during the year, although the company was working at full capacity, judging by the financial statements, and then the director of the company simply disappeared in an unknown direction.

In August 2024, Roman Rassokha was even summoned to court in the newspaper "Government Courier", but he did not appear.

Announcement of the summons of Roman Rassokha at the session of the Dnipro District Court of the city of Kyiv  

The trial was held without Rassokha, but from the decision of the investigating judge it also became known that at the time of choosing a preventive measure against the director of Khimtime LLC, he was already on an international wanted list. Therefore, at the meeting of the Dnipro district court of the city of Kyiv, a preventive measure was chosen for him in the form of detention without the right to make bail.

Excerpt from the ruling of the investigating judge on the selection of a preventive measure for Roman Rassokha

It is unknown where the director of Himtime LLC, which belongs to Pavel Bartkovskyi, has disappeared. But the circumstances of the criminal proceedings and the disappearance of the head of the company indicate that everything is not so clean. Whether he is alive or not is in question.

This episode is not the last in "strange" criminal proceedings in which Bartkovskyi is the applicant. As we learned from law enforcement sources, on August 17, 2018, the entrepreneur filed a police report about alleged fraud against him. From the content of Bartkovskyi’s statement, it became known that two persons - Voskoboynyk Mariya and Lamash Serhiy "extorted" him by 1 million 292 thousand hryvnias. Despite the fact that the application was submitted more than 6 years ago, there is no decision in the proceedings to date. Moreover, considering that Lamash and Voskoboynyk within the framework of criminal proceedings under Part 4 of Art. 190 (fraud on a particularly large scale), the suspicion was reported, and the case still did not go to court with an indictment, there are reasons to believe that it is on the verge of termination. That is, already the third proceeding in which the victim is Bartkovskyi (his company), "sewn with white threads", which may indicate the entrepreneur’s deliberate influence on law enforcement agencies to put pressure on people.

Perhaps the "best man from the SBI" helps in this. As the media wrote, Bartkovskyi all the time declares that he can do anything, because he has a best man who works in the State Bureau of Investigation. As established by the online media, the entrepreneur is masked by the name of a high-ranking official of the law enforcement agency, Oleksandr Artyukh, the deputy head of the Main Investigative Department of the SBI.

Business on "scrolls" and tenders

In total, Bartkovskyi is the owner of 4 companies (in two of them he holds the position of director on a part-time basis). We are talking about "Ukrhimtech LTD", "Khimtime", "Mirex Group" and "Baroks". Bartkovskyi’s enterprises have a considerable income. The most profitable legal entity of the businessman is Ukrhimtech LTD, whose revenue was UAH 182 million, and net profit was UAH 22.5 million. "Khimtime" received an income of UAH 35 million, but the company’s profit is not very high - only slightly more than UAH 1 million for 2023. "Mirex Group" and "Baroks" have minimal income from activities and an even smaller profit - the total amount for 2023 is UAH 55,000.

In fact, the profit of these enterprises can be much higher, but it is probably hidden under the "gray cache". The tax and customs authorities have already "caught" Bartkovskyi’s enterprises for violating the norms of the current legislation.

In 2020, "Khimtime" received from the State Customs Service a decision on adjustment of the customs value dated October 7, 2020 No. 100050/2020/000049/2. It stated that the customs officials managed to establish that the value of the goods that the company brought to Ukraine differed on paper and in real life. Bartkovski’s company went to court to overturn this decision, but the case ended without results. Then, despite the fact that all procedural terms were violated, "Khimtime" again went to court to cancel the decision, so far the end of the proceedings has not yet been set.

There were other problems at the entrepreneur’s largest company - Ukrhimtech LTD. The State Tax Service suspected the company of "scrounging". In the summer of 2022, by the decisions of the Commission on Stopping the Registration of the Tax Invoice of the Main Directorate of the STS in Kyiv, the registration of the tax invoice was refused, which essentially suspended the company’s ability to work. As the fiscal explained such actions, they saw "risk factors" in the company’s operation and asked "Ukrhimtech LTD" to provide additional documents that would confirm the legality of the payment of these funds.

However, Bartkovskyi’s company went to court against STS and won it. The most surprising thing in this situation is that the tax authorities did not even file objections to the claim statement, which is extremely unusual for them. Therefore, there are suspicions that the issue was simply "solved" so that the businessman’s company continued to work and absorb state money.

And there is really something to master. The company received the lion’s share of profit thanks to participation in public procurement. And recently, a real breakthrough occurred in the activity of Ukrhimtech LTD - the company immediately signed 4 "trial" contracts for the supply of detergents, antiseptics and other products to the canteen of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Procurement of the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from LLC Ukrhimtech LTD   

Of course, the amount of the contracts is extremely low - together they amount to only 53 thousand hryvnias, but it seems that this is only a "pen trial". That is, in the future, the volumes of orders will grow, and the amounts of contracts will multiply several or several dozen times.

It will not be a secret for anyone that there is a manager in the Department of Affairs of the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, without whose permission nothing happens in the buildings on Bankova, Hrushevskoho, Sadova, Lypska, Instytutska and other central streets of Kyiv. From 2021, Vyacheslav Shtuchnyi will head the VRU Apparatus for the second time, who was considered a close friend of Zelenskyy even before he was elected President of Ukraine.

Vyacheslav Shtuchnyi  

Thus, we can note that about 2.5 weeks ago, Bartkovskyi entered the "supplier pool" of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which is definitely a "pot of gold" for entrepreneurs.

But his companies are not used to winning in public procurement. The same company "Ukrhimtech LTD" for the incomplete year 2024 won tenders for the total amount of 578 thousand hryvnias. And Bartkovskyi’s Mirex Group received 400,000 hryvnias for one purchase of the Department of Education of the Dnipro District State Administration in the city of Kyiv. Before that, the company had never participated in public tenders.

In one year, the revenues of Bartkovskyi’s companies on public procurement grew 25 times immediately, which suggests that the entrepreneur met someone very serious, or that the "best man from the SBI" helped.

Topics: Vyacheslav ShtuchnyiMirex GroupOleksandr ArtyukhLamash SerhiyKhimtime LLCRoman RassokhaUkrhimtech LTDFraudState Tax ServiceSBIPavlo Bartkovskyi

Article author:
Maryna Vorona
All the author's articles

Date and time 08 October 2024 г., 19:43     Views Views: 5222
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